
Order or Reserve from & into Switzerland, or from & into Europe

We offer you a new means of on-demand & Reservation transport service for VTC and Taxi all over Switzerland & Europe

Try our application without delay and travel without any hussles

They have confidence in us

What we offer

This on-demand service offers a number of features to ensure your satisfaction.


Prompt care

A quick and efficient pick-up with real time is provided by the authorised swiss professional drivers, both Taxi & VTC


In time

Live tracking with real time and estimated arriving time for trips are very accurate and updated by the live maps’ algorithm.



Affordable & safe rides available for you 24/7 according to your need & comfort


Favourite Driver

Refer to your favourite driver any time



No more hassle for returning money change, Drivers can turn money back into your app's wallet.


Top Standards

Respect all the swiss standard concerning security and work’s regulations.

Advantages of SwissLymo

Any questions?
Check out the FAQs

Still have unanswered questions ? You can check our support section.

Do you want to become a driver for our VTC app? Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Make sure you have the required documents to carry out this activity (valid driving license, VTC professional card, etc.).

  2. Register on our platform by providing the requested information (contact details, documents, etc.).

  3. Once your registration is validated, download our app and log in with your credentials.

  4. Start your driver activity by accepting the courses offered by the application.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions!

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